AnteMotion srl
AnteMotion srl
The Company offers thesis, internship and job.
AnteMotion is an engineering startup specialized in providing simulations for the Automotive field.
We do respond to some of the ADAS/AV validation challenges with:
o MAZE: fully automatic tool to generate OpenDRIVE based on HD maps
o PROCEDURAL WORLDS: procedural toolchain for a highly automatized modeling of high quality realistic 3D environments, perfectly aligned to an OpenDRIVE
o MIDGARD: our open simulation framework render engine, based on top of Unreal Engine 5.3, open to be programmed and extended by the end users.
Our cross-functional team is composed of Mechatronics Engineers, Computer Scientists and 3D Tech Artists, with expertise in multibody Vehicle Simulation, HIL/SIL systems, Professional Driving Simulators Systems, Real-Time render engine development and procedural modelling of large driving scenarios.
AnteMotion’s headquarter is in Rovereto, inside Polo Meccatronica.