AnteMotion srl

AnteMotion srl

Language: Italian / English
About the company:

The Company offers thesis, internship and job.
AnteMotion is an engineering startup specialized in providing simulations for the Automotive field.

We do respond to some of the ADAS/AV validation challenges with:
o MAZE: fully automatic tool to generate OpenDRIVE based on HD maps
o PROCEDURAL WORLDS: procedural toolchain for a highly automatized modeling of high quality realistic 3D environments, perfectly aligned to an OpenDRIVE
o MIDGARD: our open simulation framework render engine, based on top of Unreal Engine 5.3, open to be programmed and extended by the end users.

Our cross-functional team is composed of Mechatronics Engineers, Computer Scientists and 3D Tech Artists, with expertise in multibody Vehicle Simulation, HIL/SIL systems, Professional Driving Simulators Systems, Real-Time render engine development and procedural modelling of large driving scenarios.

AnteMotion’s headquarter is in Rovereto, inside Polo Meccatronica.